First off, in spite of the feelings we associate with stress such as feeling overwhelmed, irritable, having poor sleep, anger, stomach or bowel upsets, headaches, difficulty focusing or concentrating, and so on, stress is actually a good thing in the right place and time. It’s our mind putting us on alert to look out for danger and deal with any crisis.
It’s designed for dealing with short term things like being mugged, slipping on ice, or making our way through a war zone. In those situations, the systems our mind is using are great to keep us alive. The problem becomes that the same systems activate in non-crisis situations too, and can stay active for long periods of time. That’s where chronic stress does it’s work.
Whatever puts pressure on us, generates stress. It’s not necessarily bad for us. Some stress can push us to get the task done and stay on top of things. There’s even some evidence to show stress is worse for those who think it’s a bad thing.
This function of putting us on alert runs the same body/mind systems at different levels whether it’s pressure or bullying at work, financial worries, being mugged, or being in a war zone. Only the level of activation is different.
Here’s what happens.
1. We perceive a danger – this could be real or something we draw the wrong conclusion about.
2. The fear centres of the brain, particularly involving the Amygdala and Hypothalamus, signal for a ‘fight or flight’ response. At this point the decision is made as to how big a response is needed. If the danger is taken to be serious, then the response is strong too. If the danger is felt to be minor, then the response is lower.
3. Our sympathetic nervous system now activates and communicates with the body to implement the state of alertness. The adrenal glands pump epinephrine (adrenaline) into the the bloodstream. This increases our pulse and blood pressure, sends more oxygen to organs and muscles, our senses become sharper, oxygen intake increases, and blood sugar are released for immediate use all over the body.
4 We are now more able to react to a crisis. Our thinking is fast and optimised for rapid analysis of many things, but it’s more difficult to concentrate on one thing for a prolonged time, as we don’t need to do that when in a fight. Our muscles may be more tense, aggression increases, our bladder and bowels may have pressure to evacuate to lighten us for running or fighting, and we’re filtering everything more through the mind’s self-preservation systems, looking for danger, problems, and risks so as to keep ourselves safe.
All good in a real danger, so what goes wrong?
In the modern world most of the things that stress us are not immediate crises. They are things we encounter day after day. A difficult work colleague, overwhelming workloads, financial pressure, relationship difficulties, fear of public speaking, exam pressure and so on can generate a continual lower level of stress and, for some people and situations, quite a lot of stress.
In the long term that gut reaction can become very damaging. It usually comes on slowly but the continual ‘dial up’ of stress affects our mood, productivity, calmness, focus, and family life in many cases.
What is designed to keep us safe in the moment can, in the long run, suppress our immune system giving us more colds or infections, taking longer to get over them. It can make us irritable, have our thoughts racing, and greatly reduce how much fun life can be.
Understanding that it is a valuable system that is just switched on too much at the wrong times, can help get control of it.
The emotional push we feel when stressed is not interested in our happiness or how successful we are, it’s only designed to help keep us alive. Trying to reason with it is often less useful than looking at how to change the initial trigger – what is it that is making the mind react as if to danger, in the first place.
Stress runs on hormone release, primarily Cortisol. That’s the messenger that delivers the response in many aspects of what we feel. Reducing the level of stress hormone is a huge benefit in feeling, and doing, better. And it’s easier to do that then most people realise.
Exercise helps greatly. So does taking a genuine break from stress where possible. Weekends with work phones left on or e-mails being checked, maintain stress and rob our mind of the chance to de-stress and relax. Meditation, yoga, hypnosis, and other chill-out tools can be very helpful too.
The big one though? Notice the stress. Stop pretending it’s not there if it is. Then do something to help reduce it. We have huge control over stress once we understand it and work with the systems of mind and body that are involved in creating and maintaining stress.
If stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, have sore muscles, are snapping at family and friends, or have any other signs of stress, notice what’s going on and start looking for ways to reduce it. It’s well worth it and easier than most people expect.
Wishing you a stress-free week,
John Prendergast,
Award-winning Mind Coach & Trainer.